Thursday 16 March 2017

Sunday 12 March 2017

Recommended Reading Recommended Reading
Julianne Moore Hosts Dinner for the L'Oréal Paris Fashion Award
Julianne Moore Hosts Dinner for the L'Oréal Paris Fashion Award
Coralie Marabelle was named laureate of the L'Oréal Paris Fashion Grant at the event on Sunday. Read More
Lenten Conversations: Mike Berenstain of Lenten Conversations: Mike Berenstain of Lenten Conversations: Mike Berenstain of Lenten Conversations: Mike Berenstain of
Lenten Conversations: Mike Berenstain of "Bear" Book Fame
Lenten Conversations: Mike Berenstain of "Bear" Book Fame Another Way Column for week of March 3, 2017 Editor's note: Second in a six-week Lenten series of interviews Melodie Davis conducted with influential Christians over several years. I was surprised when I learned that Mike Berenstain was to be commencement speaker at my alma mater, Eastern… Read More
Nashville ~ The City of Music & Murals
Nashville ~ The City of Music & Murals
Another trip in the books and what an adventure to the south it was!  I had actually visited Tennessee once before {girl's trip to Graceland and the Peabody w/ my grandma, mom, and sister} but that was all the way across the state in  Memphis.  Nashville had been on my "to-do" list for some time… Read More
California Endless Summer
You're My Precious -And My Favourite!
You're My Precious -And My Favourite!
Are you like me? You have 12 kitchen knives and only ever use 2? You have 3 sets of crockery and only ever use 1? You have 15 pairs of trousers – albeit various types – leggings, jeans etc. and only ever wear 2 or 3? I have a drawer full of kitchen utensils and… Read More
jennie orbell
My Favorite Superfoods and How I Eat Them
We've all heard about the ever growing craze that is "superfoods," but if you're like me you tend to not fall for the latest food fads. This reluctance to try these new crazes stems from the fact that the ones I've tried never really impress me. And while I admire people who honestly like the taste of acai… Read More
Creme de Boston 26 Likes
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Monday 6 March 2017

My new email address:


I just finished setting up a new email address: Please use my new email address from now on and don't forget to update your address books!


Sunday 5 March 2017

Recommended Reading Recommended Reading
Pitchfork Music Festival Unveils 2017 Headliners
Pitchfork Music Festival Unveils 2017 Headliners
LCD Soundsystem, A Tribe Called Quest and Solange will headline. Read More
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Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert (Book Review #13)
Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert (Book Review #13)
Too tired to read? You can listen to Jeyran's review below. Summary "Why are lovers quicker to forgive their partners for infidelity than for leaving dirty dishes in the sink? • Why will sighted people pay more to avoid going blind than blind people will pay to regain their sight? • Why do dining companions insist… Read More
Review Tales – A Personal & Sincere Review On Books Read
Jeyran Main
'Of Sand and Malice Made' Book Review
My Mount Readmore book review for 'Of Sand and Malice Made' by Bradley P. Beaulieu Read More
John Mendez
Looking For A Little Balance
There was some funny stuff on FB this morning. There was a video taken by a guy who tied a bike to a string and waited for people to steal it. When they did and got about 50 feet away, down a steep hill, the string ran out and they went flying off the bike… Read More
learning to live like water
How photography changed from Passion to Profession
How photography changed from Passion to Profession
"In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality." – Alfred Stieglitz Photography! The best and probably the only way to capture, emotions, and memories. Is there any other way? Probably not! It brings nausea, it cures emotional burden. A photo might not describe a person, but it surely… Read More
Revolutionary Minds 3 Likes
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